
The PUAP program is a facility to provide business fund for member of Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan). Purwakarta is one of the district in West Java that received the PUAP program. This study aims to identify the utilization of PUAP funds, analyze impact of PUAP, evaluate the assistance program, and formulate programs based on sustainability prospect of PUAP. This study used quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis methods to farmers who received PUAP funds and who did not (NON PUAP). The results showed that the average total production input of PUAP farmers is greater than NON PUAP farmers. There is no significant difference between average total cost incurred by PUAP farmers and NON PUAP farmers. There is no significant difference between net income of PUAP farmers and NON PUAP farmers. The assistance program provide by agriculture extension, daily freelance agricultural extension workers (THL-TBPP), Farmer Partner Supervisors (PMT) and Saprodi Agents. The policy implications that can be formulated for the sustainability of the PUAP program in Purwakarta district are: 1) Development community food business institutions; 2) Regular funds for Food Security Sector; 3) Farmer welfare improvement program; 4) Empowerment of business development groups and processing of agriculture products; 5) Agriculture Product Marketing Improvement Program; 6) Assistance program for Rice Production escalation; 7) Enhancement capacity of agricultural extension workers.


  • The Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) program is a facility to provide business fund for member of Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan)

  • This study aims to identify the utilization of PUAP funds, analyze impact of PUAP, evaluate the assistance program, and formulate programs based on sustainability prospect of PUAP

  • The results showed that the average total production input of PUAP farmers is greater than NON PUAP farmers

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Produksi Padi

Karakteristik petani di Kabupaten Purwakarta yang relatif sama dari sisi usia, lama pengalaman bertani, dan tingkat pendidikan antara petani PUAP dan NON PUAP menyebabkan tidak adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara petani PUAP dan NON PUAP dalam hal hasil yang diperoleh dari usaha tani padi sawah. Penggunaan input dalam kegiatan usahatani responden kelompok PUAP dan NON PUAP di Kecamatan Pondoksalam Kabupaten Purwakarta dianalisis dengan menggunakan Uji-t statistik, hasil uji menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap penggunaan input darikelompok PUAP dan NON PUAP. Input produksi yang dimaksud adalah benih, pupuk dan obat-obatan yang digunakan selama kegiatan usaha tani. Hasil uji-t statistik untuk variabel penggunaan input produksi pada responden penelitian dapat dilihat pada tabel 3

Penggunaan Pupuk
Pendapatan Bersih
Peningkatan Kapasitas
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