
The global pandemic has a serious impact on economic and social development of all countries. The production and demand of many industries have greatly shrunk. However, the takeout industry in the United States is an exception. Under the influence of COVID-19, the supply and demand of American takeout industry have increased significantly compared with that before the pandemic. The market has become increasingly hot. Once the current market environment changes, it is uncertain whether the American takeout industry can continue to be popular. Due to this reality, the research explores the market trend of American takeout industry in recent years, and forecasts the future takeout market. The study also analyzes whether the American takeout market should follow the Chinese market’s approach. The research reveals that there are several disadvantages in the American takeout market in terms of labor cost and the price of buyers. To address these issues, the study develops new sale method through several ways, for example, reducing the buyer's cost of delivery fee, making the delivery fee paid by the seller as well as by the platform. Moreover, the platform can send vouchers to the buyers together with seller.

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