
ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship has a relationship with innovation, because an entrepreneur should have the future vision, a innovative thinking and could know the opportunities and create the values. One of the efforts to develop entrepreneurship more intensively is through a formal education. The study will discuss the process of innovation’s adoption in learning process of entrepreneurship in the formal education. The process of innovation’s adoption is a process to create an individual or organization change to improve the performance effectiveness. The study used case study on the students of the program of international studies management in Ciputra University. The technique of data collection used an observation, interview, and documentation. Testing of data credibility used sources and technique triangulation. Data analysis is interactively performed continually until completed so the data saturated. The research result shown that in the process of an innovation adoption a student started to launch many ideas openly, filtering the ideas based on a challenge and bottleneck probably faced, receiving an input of the other parties to complete their innovation and want to continually innovation. The research shown that the internal factor as an awareness to take a risk and external factor as a market network will influence their decisions. The factors of facilitator and target also influence or contribute in direction of the innovation adoption of students.

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