
Martial law was introduced in Poland on December 13th, 1981. It started the pe¬riod of massive repressions against the public, going on with varying intensity until the end of the People’s Republic of Poland. Immediately after the imposition, the regulations of martial law were implemented in the units of the PRL Prosecutor’s Office. The formation of proper cri¬minal repression by prosecutors in particular categories of crime, especially in cases conducted ad hoc was of particular importance for the authorities. It was demanded that prosecutors influence court rulings, mainly through active participation in court hearings. Specific basic penalties and additional penalties were expected to be imposed, as well as legal remedies for wrongful decisions from the point of view of power. During the martial law period, a great deal of emphasis was placed on improving the work inside the PRL Prosecutor’s Office, improving the efficiency of its operation, principality, loyalty and availability to the party.

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