
Waste generated throughout the construction and demolition (C&D) process has become a great challenge and hindrance toward the sustainable development as it creates environmental degradation. Proper management of the construction and demolition waste is a complex process and requires a lot of analytical thinking. This necessitates developing some strategies and tools for the minimization of waste. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a new technology worldwide which has varied applications. The aim of this work is to explore the C&D waste management (C&DWM) strategies and tools which could help in minimizing the C&D waste (C&DW) at the source as well as design stage itself by utilizing BIM platform. The limitations of the BIM-based tools for C&D waste management have been recognized to give a clear understanding and future requirements for developing the tools to cater to those limitations. A BIM-based theoretical C&D waste management framework has been proposed including the strategies leading to logistics and economic analysis. Furthermore, the results provide valuable information for the practitioners to make suitable decisions on how to utilize BIM platform for C&DWM at various stages of the project especially the design stage.

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