
The Fourth Industrial Revolution also calls for a new way of formulating policy and regulation. IT will massively expand consumer choice, lower costs and raise quality, all of which will be equally hard to value. The Creative Economy is not unaffected by the 4th Industrial Revolution. Several aspects from the revolution may pose an existential challenge to some segments of creative activities. Indonesia is one of the developing countries that is vulnerable to be impacted by the change occurring in the industry. Creative economy initiated by local citizens and government in Indonesia aimed to increase human-well being. They present new strategies to enlarge income, create new fields of work, and also increase added value for the people. Creative industries has been developed in Indonesia since 2009 marked by the Presidential Instruction number 6 of 2009. Based on 2013’s Indonesian Statistic Board, the industry has grown by 5,76% and contributed to Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 7% or equals to $US 46,930 billion. Paradigma Creative themselves didn’t really have any competitive advantage among the rivalry in the industry. Value offered to the market is roughly similar with the point of what competitor has offered. Without the uniqueness and the differentiation that applied to the company, Paradigma would lose their selling point to be received in the customer top of mind. Using the internal and external analysis, this study proposes the assessment of the current company condition and then constructs the best possible solution by converting it into TOWS Matrix.

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