
Creative Industry is one of the most influential economy sources in the world in era 2000 years. It was introduced by John Howkins [1] in which economy growth is dependent on new ideas. This concept answers concerning to industrial-based economy and has shifted from industrial economy (manufacture) to creative economy (intellectual as main asset). As developing countries, Government of Indonesia has seriously paid attention on creative industry sectors since 2009 through President Instruction Number 6 Year 2009 about Development of Creative Economy in Indonesia [23]. Since Joko Widodo has been President of Republic of Indonesia, creative economy is more developed by forming creative economy agency (Bekraf). Now, economy creative is one of new economy sources which is promoted by Government of Indonesia. Many creative sectors are pushed to complete national economy in Indonesia. In this term, perspective of regional innovation system is also important to understand what is creative industry expected by Government of Indonesia. Innovation and creative economy is two terms which is not separated each other. This paper uses case study in Indonesia as research methodology, also perspective of regional innovation system is to be main perspective in this study. The result is that creative industry and innovation are mutual relation each other in conceptual level. Practically, both are aimed to support national economy growth in Indonesia

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