
The article is devoted to the analysis of the expediency of establishing high quantitative indicators of the level’s unification of military products and the formation of a methodical approach to justifying the requirements for these indicators, taking into account the volume of production.
 The requirements for standardization and unification (StU) are put forward in order to ensure high quality of products by reducing the terms and costs of their design and production preparation, as well as reducing the costs of samples operation (repair). Compliance with standards in Ukraine is a voluntary procedure but the Ministry of Defense during the development of tactical and technical tasks for the implementation of work on the creation (modernization) of special products puts forward requirements for compliance with standards (on the basis of consensus with the developer or manufacturer), including to StU. Also, the achieved quantitative indicators of the level of unification are evaluated according to the stages of work performance and during tests.
 It is known that the cost of a unit’s production depends on the volume of its production: the more units of production (samples) are produced, the lower the cost’s unit of production, as the specific (per unit of production) cost of development, preparation of production and actual production of products decreases. The article considers cases when it is inappropriate to set high StU indicators and the proposed general methodical approach to justifying the values of StU indicators of military products, taking into account the volume of their production. The specification of methodological instructions requires further research taking into account the practice of development (production) work and testing of products by their types.

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