
The aim of this work is to develop suggestions for designated standards for the display of natural and cultural assets in the design of a Geopark. During a continuing dynamic period detailed work continues to be carried out by experts on the natural and cultural assets found within Geosites that are part of Geoparks according to National laws and guidelines and international agreements. This article proposes standard identity cards, to be used during the period of preparation of a Geopark Project within an area that encompasses a known number of natural and cultural assets. This enables a shared organisation and language to be used within the organisation process relating to the consolidation of data, set-up of visitor centres and route planning activity organisation. The identity cards in question should be prepared in such a way that they give short, interesting summary information about the characteristics of these natural and cultural assets that fits well with, and can be used in conjunction with, other information, brochures and map materials. There is also the potential to prepare graduated identity cards according to the interests of different age groups and levels of understanding. The cards, easy to carry and containing safety information, will therefore be useable by every visitor of whatever age or level of interest (professional, amateur), and will also therefore be useable as educational materials. This work will also open up debate about the new classification and assessment system it proposes in the light of legal definitions and terms and other measures practiced across the world. To develop a classification system is the product of long and hard work and the discussions necessary for the progress of the system may last for years. Indeed some classification systems in use for years come to the point of being inadequate in the light of scientific developments and need to be re-designed. This is the path of scientific thought. There is no doubt that conceptual discussion of these developments that are new both in Turkey and in the wider world will continue in the future. Although consciousness of safeguarding as well as legal policies for cultural assets have progressed to a certain point, unfortunately the same is not true for natural assets. This article presents a contribution to all works in this field both through proposals for standard identity cards for natural and cultural assets and for a classification system for geosites.

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