
In times of pandemic, the education sector, worldwide, was affected. To minimize the problem, they carried out strategies that allow the start of virtual classes optimally. Likewise, teachers had to be trained, to be at the forefront of the context. Training should be asynchronous. In this sense, the objective of the research was to implement a model of teacher training through virtual courses. These courses are made up of the teaching-learning strategy, pedagogical resources and materials, the learning evaluation system, curricular planning, as well as teacher induction. Prototypes of the virtual courses were made to be implemented in the future. Also, the methodology carried out in the research, was a first moment, an analysis of the current situation and the proposal to be considered; then to carry out the validation of the model, with experts in educational pedagogy and others in technology oriented education. Likewise, a 10-question instrument was developed for expert validation of the proposed model; resulting in 85.5% acceptance.

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