This paper explores the control design and performance analysis of an active quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolator utilizing the proportional-retarded (PR) control architecture. The PR architecture replaces the conventional “derivative” term in the proportional-derivative (or displacement-velocity) controller with the novel “retarded (time-delayed)” term, which is a new and effective way of active vibration suppression. Comprehensive gain-delay conjoint regulation strategies are developed for the strengthened isolation performance. For impact excitations, a complete stability analysis is conducted near the equilibrium position. Furthermore, a parameterized dominant pole placement algorithm is proposed to optimize the transient response of the PR-actuated isolator. Focusing on the rectangular pulse and long-duration step impacts, the algorithm adjusts the dominant poles to optimize the transient performance metrics, including the maximum displacement overshoot, steady-state displacement overshoot, and settling time. Regarding harmonic excitations, the delay-coupled effect is scrutinized for better low-frequency isolation performance, including the resonance frequency, nonlinear steady-state amplitude, multiple steady-state bands and nonlinearity elimination, equivalent active damping and stiffness, and absolute displacement transmissibility. In the case of random excitations, we demonstrate the superiority of the PR structure over the passive system.
Published Version
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