
The clinical experience of complex treatment of victims with the syndrome of prolonged compression during extraction and in the airborne hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with the use of domestic nanotechnologies - an unparalleled membrane plasmapheresis during the liquidation of medical consequences of earthquakes (Indonesia, Pakistan, 2005; China, 2008; Haiti, 2010). The prevention of ischemic toxicosis it is necessary to conduct directly when extracting the injured from the obstruction by physicians anesthesiologists-resuscitators and surgeons from the search and rescue units. Consistently continue it at all stages of medical evacuation, during an air medical evacuation to the moment of admission to a specialized hospital. The method of detoxification and the volume of medical care provided when extracting the victim significantly influenced the results of treatment outcomes in the airborne hospital of the victims. The use in the first hours of an unparalleled membrane plasmapheresis in the complex therapy of crush syndrome allows reducing the development of severe forms of endotoxicosis, to provide quality training for the victims to medical evacuation, to prevent the development of acute renal failure, and to improve the prognosis of survivorship.

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