
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Special Lab for Non-Invasive Brain Imaging, Brenneckestrasse 6, D-39118 Magdeburg, Germanyand Physics Department, Solid State Section, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, GR-15784 Athens, Greece~Received 6 September 2003; published 12 March 2004!We examine how an in-plane magnetic fieldB modifies the density of states ~DOS! in narrow-to-wide,conduction-band dilute-magnetic semiconductor quantum wells. We demonstrate that the DOS diverges sig-nificantly from the ideal steplike two-dimensional electron gas form and this causes severe changes to thephysical properties, e.g., to the spin-subband populations, the internal and free energy, the Shannon entropy,and the in-plane magnetizationM. We predict a considerable fluctuation of M in cases of vigorous competitionbetween spatial and magnetic confinement.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.113302 PACS number~s!: 73.20.2r, 85.75.2d, 75.75.1a, 65.40.Gr

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