
1: Structure. The Structure of Amorphous Materials S.R. Elliott. Short- and Medium-Range Order in Ge-(S,Se) Glasses Using Raman Scattering Y. Wang, K. Murase. Structural Characterization of Amorphous GexSe100-x by Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy P. Nagels, et al. Structural Relaxation in Amorphous Materials J. Malek, J. Shanelova. Thermal Properties Studies on As2Se3 Model Glass E. Cernoskova, et al. Vibrational Excitations in Amorphous Materials S.R. Elliott. 2: Self-Organization and Rigidity. Rigidity and Self-Organization of Network Glasses and the Intermediate Phase M.F. Thorpe, M.V. Chubynsky. Onset of Rigidity in Steps in Chalcogenide Glasses: The Intermediate Phase P. Boolchand, et al. Network Stiffening and Chemical Ordering in Chalcogenide Glasses: 119Sw and 121Sb Moessbauer Spectroscopy of the Systems Ge(Sn)-As-Se and Ge(Sn)-Sb-Se C. Rosenhahn, et al. The Chemical Threshold in Chalcogenide Glasses L. Tichy, et al. Stochastic Matrix and Self-Organization in Glasses R. Kerner. 3: Electronic Structure. First Principles Electronic Structure Methods P. Ordejon. Electronic Structure of Amorphous Insulators and Photo-Structural Effects in Chalcogenide Glasses D.A. Drabold, et al. The Electronic Properties of Nano, Micro and Amorphous Silicon I. Balberg. Transport in Amorphous Semiconductors P. Thomas, H. Overhof. 4: Photoinduced Effects. Nanometer-Scale Photo-Induced Structural Changes in Chalcogenide Glasses A.V. Kolobov. Photoinduced Effects in Amorphous Semiconductors E. Mytilineou. Modeling of Photoinduced Anisotropies in Chalcogenide Glasses G.J. Adriaenssens, et al.Structure and Optically Induced Changes of Reactivity and Optical Properties of Amorphous Chalcogenides M. Frumar, et al. 5: Amorphous Silicon and Carbon. Preparation and Structural Properties of Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Carbon W.I. Milne. Mechanical, Optical and Electrical Properties of Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Carbon W.I. Milne. Field Emission from Carbon Films Grown by the Cathodic Arc Process W.I. Milne. Amorphous Silicon Materials and Devices for Active Matrix Arrays R.A. Street. Optical Properties of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Layers M. Vanecek, A. Poruba. Photograph. Participants. Index.

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