
 Background. The problem dealt with in this article is a relevant one as the role of a name have never stopped being great, the name define functions, appearance, meaning of a character in most books. Oles Honchar has decorated his novels with a number of names with obvious semantics and philosophical background. Oles Honchar’s novels are well-known in many countries and have been translated into numerous languages. The relevance of this article, thus, is preconditioned by the necessity to create the theoretical basis for the analysis of the novel content and to set the task of improving its translations into English and other languages. 
 Purpose. The aim of the article is to analyze the system of proper names in «Cathedral» and their mutual linguistic relations. To achieve this aim it is necessary to fulfil the following tasks: to accumulate the names used in the whole novel; to classify the main types of onyms in the novel; to describe their functions and mutual relations.
 Methods. The aim of the paper and its tasks define the choice of methods: descriptive which makes it possible to characterize the whole set of the onyms; classifying due to which it is possible to differentiate various types of onyms.
 Results and discussions. The choice of proper names is an important aspect of the analysis of any literary work. In addition to helping understand the character in question, proper names also help to convey important thematic aspects in various literary works. The selection of proper names is one of the features of the style used by authors to convey their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, etc. in literary works. The onyms of the novel were systematized. In total, the text of Oles Honchar’s novel «Cathedral» contains 367 proper names. Among them, about 48% are anthroponyms (177 proper names), 27% – toponyms (98 proper names), 6% – pragmatonyms (23 proper names), 5% – ergonyms (17 proper names), 5% – ideonyms names), 5% – mythonyms (17 proper names), 2% – anthropotoponyms (9 proper names), less than 2% – occasional use of common names in the sense of proper (7 proper names), less than 1% – zoonyms (1 zoonym). The two most numerous species are anthroponyms, i.e. all names of people, and toponyms, i.e. all names of places. 
 Conclusions. Having analysed the classification of proper names in Oles Honchar’s novel «Cathedral», we can say that the vast majority of onyms in the novel belong to the categories of anthroponyms and toponyms, and the rest can be divided into anthroponomic toponyms, ergonomics, zoonyms. The absolute predominance of anthroponyms and toponyms in the onomastic space of the novel, as well as the relatively high percentage of ideonyms, is explained by the involvement of world cultural experience, as well as specifically Ukrainian history and culture in its text. In addition, some anthroponyms and toponyms, as well as most pragmatonyms, create a certain coloring of the book. The prospects of the research are connected with the investigation of proper names translation.

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