
Purpose. The article reviews the proper name from the point of the modern theory of precedent. The usage of precedent phenomena in the creation of ergonyms can be explained by the fact that these units have a large information capacity, often there is a whole text and a corresponding set of associations behind one proper name. Any proper name could potentially have a precedent quality, however the direction of the movement can be different – from the precedent text to a proper name, or from the proper name to a text. The existance of this precedent quality in onyms can be explained by the involvement of the name in the interpretative activity of the addressee. The name acquires in the process of its “real” life stable signs and qualities, which are later assigned to it as components of its meaning.Results. Three main groups of ergonyms based on precedent phenomena were identified in the analyzed material. There are onyms based on precedent names, precedent statements and precedent texts.Conclusion. The analysis showed that the quality of precedent can be manifested in onym in various levels: international, national-cultural, socio-cultural and subjective. The international level is especially important for the functioning of proper names.

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