
Due to limited interaction between the teacher and the student, learning a foreign language can be difficult. Language learning, in contrast to most other courses, necessitates oral practice and interactive corrective feedback, which may be unavailable with little study material and time for interactions. It might not be possible for the teacher to give each student their whole attention in a classroom setting. By enabling better and more flexible work and digitizing study materials utilizing cutting- edge signal processing techniques, modern computer technology can enhance language acquisition. The project offers an online pronunciation learning tool that follows the listen and repeat method. In order to enable foreign language learners to practice their abilities remotely and even without the teachers presence, it offers an interactive interface. The underlined text will be phonetically transcriptioned by the use of automatic speech recognition software to record and process human speech. The teacher will compare it to the prompt text. Students can hear teacher-generated speech as feedback and adjust their pronunciation until it is recognized correctly. KEYWORDS: E-Learning, Pronunciation learning, Automatic Speech Recognition

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