
Datasets used in AI applications for human health require careful selection. In healthcare, machine learning (ML) models are fine-tuned to reduce errors, and our study focuses on minimizing errors by generating code snippets for cost-sensitive learning using water potability datasets. Water potability ensures safe drinking water through various scientific methods, with our approach using ML algorithms for prediction. We preprocess data with ChatGPT-generated code snippets and aim to demonstrate how zero-shot learning prompts in ChatGPT can produce reliable code snippets that cater to cost-sensitive learning. Our dataset is sourced from Kaggle. We compare model performance metrics of logistic regressors and gradient boosting classifiers without additional code fine-tuning to check the accuracy. Other classifier performance metrics are compared with results of the top 5 code authors on the Kaggle scoreboard. Cost-sensitive learning is crucial in domains like healthcare to prevent misclassifications with serious consequences, such as type II errors in water potability assessment.

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