
ABSTRACT Objective: Sports play a crucial role in China’s national sportsmanship. Therefore, it is necessary to further promote China’s development as a sports powerhouse. People’s health needs to be raised to the pinnacle of the national fitness strategy, and the government should seriously implement people’s health work. Methods: the construction of the “Powerful Country for Sports” and “Healthy China” provides a more precise direction for the development of national fitness and opens a broader path for the development of national health. The dream of a powerful country in sports has a long history, and different times have different definitions. Results: building a sports power is a strategic project for the development of modern socialist capability with Chinese characteristics. Accelerating the construction of a sports power is related to national prosperity and rejuvenation, and is closely related to the happiness of the people. Conclusions: the barrier preventing the sustainable development of national sports break and create a new driving force for the development of a sports power only by solving the problem of displacement in building a sports power and promoting the deep integration of national fitness and health. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

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