
Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat/PHBS) is an important strategy to improve health status because many diseases can be prevented if people adopt healthy living behavior. School children are an age group that is vulnerable to experiencing health problems because most of their time is spent outside the home environment and under the supervision of their parents. When children are in the school environment, they can experience disease transmission from peers, from the school environment or they may consume food that does not meet health requirements. School children are also an age group that is easy to provide knowledge about PHBS to form healthy behavior. This service activity aims to increase promotive and preventive efforts for the PHBS behavior of elementary school children. The number of respondents in this service activity was 40 students. The service activities include improving the behavior of washing hands with running water and using soap on an ongoing basis, increasing the behavior of using healthy and clean latrines on an ongoing basis, and increasing knowledge about consuming healthy snacks at school. As for the results of this activity, PHBS behavior among children at SDN 3 Jatiroto increased from good behavior from only 5 respondents (12.4%) to 32 respondents (80%). It is hoped that this activity can continue to be carried out continuously for students who have just entered school so that the students will continue to do this activity when they move up to grade.

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