
There is much food for reflection in Bulletin No. 10 issued by the American Council of Learned Societies, April, 1929, under the title at the head of this article. The pamphlet contains a full account of the various steps which have been taken toward the formation of a permanent organization in America of persons interested in oriental studies. A list of those present at the first conference held in New York City, December 1, 1928, is given in Annex A. It calls to mind practically every American who has ever been heard of in connection with Chinese studies, and also three Chinese who are employed in American institutions, namely, Kaiming Ch'iu of Harvard, Kiang K'ang-hu of the Library of Congress and Wang Chi-chen of Columbia. Prof. Paul Pelliot of the College de France was also present as a guest. The minutes of the various meetings have been recorded with sufficient detail for the reader to be able to form a good idea of what was discussed.

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