
The article examines the conceptual foundations of continuous pedagogical education and its promotion in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors analyze the organization and management of continuing education, consider the design of a model of continuing pedagogical education, which includes a wide range of issues from the definition of the conceptual content, structure and stages of its functioning to the mechanisms of its implementation. The theoretical and methodological foundations of teacher training in the system of continuing professional education are determined based on the analysis of many sources, including normative legal acts and scientific and methodological literature. The approaches and principles implemented in continuing education, which is a single, holistic and integrated process, are disclosed. The main components of this process are three types of educational activity — formal, informal and informational, designated in modern theory and practice as an "educational triad". The authors present a component-competence model of a teacher in the system of continuing education with the definition of the levels of professional components of activity and, accordingly, the development, at the moment of the study, of the general competencies of teachers. The relevance of this article is due to the results of studying the demand for professionally educated and qualified specialists in modern society, a social order aimed at acquiring competitive competencies by them. The authors thank the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the organization and grant support of the project scientific research under the coordination of the National Academy of Education named after Ybray Altynsarin for the development of the system of continuing pedagogical education in the context of Life-Long Learning.

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