
Cytolytic hemolysin, a gene product of vvhA, is a putative virulence factor of the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio vulnificus. We have previously shown that hemolysin production is repressed by adding glucose to culture media and that production can be restored by adding cAMP. In this study, hemolysin activity and the level of vvh transcript were determined to reach a maximum in late exponential phase and were repressed when cells entered stationary phase. Northern blot and primer extension analyses revealed that vvhA is cotranscribed with a second gene, vvhB, located upstream of vvhA. Transcription of the vvhBA operon begins at a single site and is under the direction of a single promoter, P(vvh). A crp null mutation decreased hemolysin production and the level of vvhBA transcript by reducing the activity of P(vvh), indicating that the P(vvh) activity is under the positive control of cAMP receptor protein (CRP). A direct interaction between CRP and the regulatory region of the vvhBA operon was demonstrated by gel-mobility shift assays. The CRP binding site, centered at 59.5 bp upstream of the transcription start site, was mapped by deletion analysis of the vvhBA promoter region and confirmed by DNase I protection assays. These results demonstrate that the vvhBA expression is activated by CRP in a growth-dependent manner and that CRP exerts its effects by directly binding to DNA upstream of P(vvh).

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