
Tourism promotion can be actualized through brochures, advertising, films, literary works, and works of art by doing direct marketing or word of mouth recommendations to promote local tourist attractions. Literary works can also describe tourist attractions through myths, folklore, travel books, novels, and films. This study analyzed the promotion of North Bali tourism through novels. The novels used as research objects are the novel Aku Cinta Lovina by Sunaryono Basuki and Rumah di Seribu Ombak by Erwin Arnada. The novel Aku Cinta Lovina is considered as tourism promotion because it has a background story in Lovina, describing the tourist attraction of North Bali, the interaction between local people and foreign tourists, cultural diversity, the hospitality of the local people, and the story of cross-country travel between European tourist and Balinese girl. Meanwhile, the novel entitled Rumah di Seribu Ombak has been adapted into a film with the same title. The best-selling novel took the location of filming, most of which took place in North Bali. This study aimed to examine tourism in North Bali through the novel Aku Cinta Lovina and Rumah di Seribu Ombak as a literature-based medium for promoting tourism in North Bali. This study also contained the opinions of stakeholders related to tourism promotion through novels. The main theory used in this research is literary tourism theory, supported by promotion theory, host and guest theory. The relevant research approach used in this study was qualitative. The data analysis technique in this study used Content Analysis. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. This study concludes that the story's content in the novel Aku Cinta Lovina and Rumah di Seribu Ombak depicts natural and cultural tourist attractions, promoting North Bali tourism through natural beauty history, tradition, and culture of the local community.
 Keywords: literary tourism, North Bali tourism, tourism promotion.


  • Ni Nyoman Arini, I Nyoman Darma Putra, Gde Indra Bhaskara promoting North Bali tourism through natural beauty history, tradition, and culture of the local community

  • This study aimed to examine tourism in North Bali through the novel Aku Cinta Lovina and Rumah di Seribu Ombak as a literature-based medium for promoting tourism in North Bali

  • Hanya berkesempatan mengajar selama dua semester setelah diangkat menjadi dosen tetap di Universitas Udayana, beliau mendapatkan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan S3 ke Bournemouth University di tahun 2010

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Teori dan Metode

Penelitian ini menggunakan teori pariwisata sastra, teori promosi dan teori host and guest. Teori host and guest digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis interaksi antara masyarakat lokal dengan wisatawan yang melukiskan daya tarik wisata alam dan budaya Bali Utara dalam novel Aku Cinta Lovina. Novel ini mampu memberikan informasi mengenai daya tarik wisata alam dan budaya Bali Utara melalui interaksi antara masyarakat lokal dengan wisatawan asing. Cerita dalam novel Rumah di Seribu Ombak melukiskan keunikan daya tarik wisata di Pantai Lovina seperti atraksi lumba-lumba liar di tengah laut, snorkeling, diving, surfing dan melihat panorama magic hour dari atas perahu. Interaksi dalam novel memberikan informasi mengenai bangunan Vihara Budha yang terletak di atas bukit dengan menyuguhkan pemandangan yang sangat menakjubkan sehingga berfungsi sebagai tempat persembahyangan umat Budha dan daya tarik wisata budaya. Literary place dalam novel Aku Cinta Lovina melukiskan Kawasan Eks. Pelabuhan Buleleng memiliki nilai sejarah dan budaya yang dijadikan sebagai daya tarik wisata. Hidup berdampingan dengan masyarakat yang berbeda agama tentu diperlukan sikap toleransi yang kuat dengan saling menghormati dan menghargai satu sama lain

Perbandingan Novel Aku Cinta Lovina dan Rumah di Seribu Ombak
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