
Personal hygiene in children is an important thing and must be considered in everyday life. Improper personal hygiene can cause various diseases and health problems. So that the behavior of maintaining good and correct personal hygiene needs to be given to children so that they can help prevent germs and viruses that cause disease. Therefore, personal hygiene behavior needs to be habituated from an early age so that children get used to doing it at home, school, or when they play. The method used in community service activities is the method of education and health promotion which is carried out face to face at the activity location which is located at SDIT Imam Bukhari, Jatinangor District, Bandung Regency. Methods of delivering material with demonstrations, lectures, discussions, and questions and answers. The activity was entitled "MATAHARI" namely Let's Take Care of Personal Hygiene, which aims to provide education for SDIT students about how to maintain good and correct personal hygiene. Health education and promotion activities went well and smoothly, which was attended by 25 SDIT students. The results of the post-test carried out after the presentation showed that it was in accordance with the indicators of success that had been formulated, namely that 70% of participants were able to complete the post-test with a score above 75 points

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