
Oilseed fl ax is a multi-use crop (oil, fi ber, feed presscakes and meals), which has been used by humans since ancient times. Flax presscake has a high energy value. For example, 1 kg of cake contains 1,27 feed units, 13,73 MJ and 287 g of digestible protein, as well as a rich composition of trace elements and vitamins. Protein of fl axseed presscake is highly digestible and has a good amino acid composition. The fats remaining in the linseed presscake after distilling the oil have all the usefuproperties as linseed oil. The purpose of the research was to characterize promising varieties of oilseed fl ax in the phytosanitary technology of the Southern Trans–Urals. In the experiment, the maximum yield was obtained for the Ural variety – 2,35 t/ha, which signifi cantly exceeded the standard Northern variety. A good level of yield was shown by varieties Itil – 2,23 t/ha, VNIIMK 620 – 2,17 t/ha. The yield of the foreign variety Lirina was lower – 2,15 t/ ha. The yield of straw varied by varieties it reflecting their reaction to the arid conditions of vegetation. The lowest straw yield was shown by Raciol variety – 1,50 t/ha, the highest straw yield was formed by the varieties Lirina – 2,27 t/ha, Itil – 2,29 t/ha, Northern – 2,32 t/ha and Ural – 2,50 t/ha. Unfavorable weather conditions during the years of research contributed to the increase in the incidence of fl ax varieties with Fusarium. Statistical analysis showed a reliable correlation of plant density with the development of Fusarium r = –0,7512 and straw yield r = –0,7795. A signifi cant infl uence of meteorological conditions and Fusarium disease on the formation of the main economically valuable traits of promising varieties of oilseed fl ax under the conditions of the Southern Trans-Urals has been established.

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