
The article discusses the situation of preschool ethnocultural education in the Udmurt Republic. The theoretical aspects of the use of models in education are presented. To solve problems in the system of ethnocultural education, the Institute of National Education of the Republic of Udmurtia organized innovative activities in the preschool educational organizations. In order to improve the development of the native Udmurt language and culture in kindergardens, models of ethnocultural education created for the use of the “Zarni Bugor” educational complex in kindergardens of the Udmurt Republic are proposed. The analysis of educational models for the use of this educational and methodical complex in innovative kindergardens of the Institute of National Education of the Udmurt Republic is carried out. The prospects of ethnocultural education models for children in various individual educational situations are revealed. It is assumed that the proposed models of preschool ethnocultural education can be used by kindergardens of the Udmurt Republic and other regions interested in the preservation and development of native languages and cultures.

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