
Li-ion batteries are more and more common not only in the sector of e-mobility but their role is increasing in stationary storage as well. The possibilities of the use of these storages are various. In this paper, the authors were focused on the possibility of providing frequency reserve and other flexibility services for the grid. The paper focuses on the operation of a battery energy storage system and not the sizing of one. In the developed model the authors consider the profit from these services and their impact on the battery lifetime. With these two main factors, the operation of the battery system is compared in the case of different frequency reserve services and other market operations. Results show that battery energy storage systems have the potential for frequency reserve services in case of an optimized operation strategy. Simulation results also show that these optimized operation strategies can be different in different phases of the battery life. The presented model was developed under the EU Horizon 2020 programme in the OneNet project.

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