
Implantation of sinus stents and spacers can be used as adjuvant management to maintain patency of sinuses after endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis. These implants are typically removed several weeks after surgery. We present two cases of different patients who were initially treated by different physicians and were found to have retained sinus spacers in their paranasal sinuses 6-10 years after implantation. Case 1: a 40-year old male with chronic rhinosinusitis and history of balloon sinuplasty six years prior presented with worsening symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis refractory to medical management. He underwent revision functional endoscopic sinus surgery and was found to have retained sinus implants in the left and right frontal sinus recesses. Case 2: a 48-year-old female with long-standing chronic rhinosinusitis refractory to medical management presented after two prior sinus surgeries most recently 10 years ago. She underwent revision functional endoscopic surgery and was found to have a retained sinus implant from prior surgery in the right frontal recess outflow tract embedded within scar tissue and reactive hyperostosis. Foreign bodies from both patients were removed without complication and patients were healing appropriately in the post-operative period. While sinus stents and spacers can help with post-operative scarring, leaving then unmonitored and in place will eventually result in them becoming a nidus for scarring and infection. It is critical that patients are aware of any foreign bodies we place, if they need scheduled removal or routine observation, and what symptoms may indicate that they are causing a problem.

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