Our purpose in this paper is to focus on some applications in differential geometry of golden structure. We study rlift of the golden structure in tangent bundle of order r and we obtain integrabilitiy conditions of golden structure in TrM
In di¤erential geometry, the lift method has an important role
Our purpose in this paper is to focus on some applications in differential geometry of golden structure
We study r lift of the golden structure in tangent bundle of order r and we obtain integrabilitiy conditions of golden structure in TrM
In di¤erential geometry, the lift method has an important role This method allows to generalize di¤erentiable structures on any manifold. The lifts from M (n dimensional di¤erentiable manifold) to its tangent bundle of order r are found in the literature [1, 5, 9, 10, 17]. The outline of this paper is as follows: In section 2, we remind signi...cant de...nitions and features about the golden structure. Prolongation, tangent bundle, tangent bundle of order r, lift, golden structure. M a th e m a tic sandS ta tistic s
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