
Projection-based reduced order models rely on offline–online model decomposition, where the data-based energetic spatial basis is used in the expensive offline stage to obtain equations of reduced states that evolve in time during the inexpensive online stage. The online stage requires a solution method for the dynamic evolution of the coupled system of pressure and velocity states for incompressible fluid flows. The first contribution of this article is to demonstrate the applicability of the incremental pressure correction scheme for the dynamic evolution of pressure and velocity states. The evolution of a large number of these reduced states in the online stage can be expensive. In contrast, the accuracy significantly decreases if only a few reduced states are considered while not accounting for the interactions between unresolved and resolved states. The second contribution of this article is to compare three closure model forms based on global, modal and tensor artificial viscosity approximation to account for these interactions. The unknown model parameters are determined using two calibration techniques: least squares minimization of error in energy approximation and closure term approximation. This article demonstrates that an appropriate selection of solution methods and data-driven artificial viscosity closure models is essential for consistently accurate dynamics forecasting of incompressible fluid flows.

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