
The authors explore project-based learning (PBL) pedagogy in international business venturing (IBV) under trends and drivers affecting higher education. They look at the genesis of higher education, recent developments in innovations, globalization, and socio-economic trends. Following the examination of mega trends affecting universities, the case of PBL curriculum at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) is discussed in LMU's strategic context. They evaluate PBL essentials and examine its proliferation and current status across academic disciplines. The analysis of LMU vs. “peer” schools reveals some economic constraints. One developmental step is PBL pedagogy. The proposed PBL study abroad curriculum includes two courses. Course 1 (on campus) covers essentials of IBV. Course 2 (abroad) focuses on PBL applications, socio-economic problems, and skill development. This 4-week overseas program includes 12 face-to face hours, 4 company visits, 3 international immersion projects, 1 local market immersion, 1 strategy challenge, 1 service-learning project, and other experiential learning activities.

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