
The teaching-learning process is greatly enriched when the motivation of students is achieved, so that they show greater interest in learning and are allowed to interact with others in being, knowing and doing, where they constantly ask questions, are amazed and can seek solutions to increasingly complex problems of their school and professional environment. To this end, it is necessary to propose a Project Based Learning methodology based on an optional program for the initial training of the Short Cycle Higher Technician in Pharmaceutical Services, during the 2022 course that contributes to the achievement of professional competences and knowledge management of the future graduate of Pharmaceutical Services of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Technology. University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, Cuba, which will be oriented to action, interdisciplinarity and use of Information and Communication Technologies. The Project Based Learning methodology proposed in the elective program constitutes an innovative experience in the undergraduate course, with the purpose of developing skills in self-management of knowledge in students and development of professional competences.

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