
Introduction. Effective activity on transborder territories of the nearby states envisages the observance of the proper strength security both on border crossings and in building and premises located on the both sides of the border. Indisputa-bly, location of buildings and their amount is differed within the limits of those or other border crossings. Besides, active public activity on a border is changeable in time. Sufficient strength of this process security is supported by the rescue units provided with the proper amount of personnel and equipment. Transborder emergencies often happen. In most cases rescue units of one state do not have a necessary amount of own forces and facilities. It predetermines the necessity of employing the additional forces and facilities from other state. Obviously, it determines a necessity of realization the projects of crea-tion of transborder rescue units. Their realization requires attraction of additional backlogs and taking into account a turbu-lent project environment, that, in turn, needs the development of projects dealing with creation and functioning of inter-governmental rescue units. Their realization needs the use of the system approach to the management with taking into account of specific of project environment. In particular, realization of projects of creation and functioning of transborder rescue units needs the concordance of operating intergovernmental legislatively-normative acts. Thus there is a row of administrative tasks on each of the stages of such projects’ lifecycles. Thus, in the conditions, when the amount and the scales of technogenic catastrophes on transborder territories increase, realization of projects of creation and functioning of transborder rescue units is the very actual task of present time and there is a necessity of development of models and meth-ods of the project-oriented management for creation and functioning of intergovernmental rescue units.Aim. It is the purpose of argumentation the features of the project-oriented management as the basis of develop-ment of methods and models of corresponding projects frames activity realization.Methods. Studies are conducted with the use of methods and models of the project-oriented management in rela-tion to the dual fire-fighting system.Results. In the article the problem of development of models and methods of the project-oriented management dealing with creation and functioning of transborder rescue units is outlined in the process of realization of corresponding60 Вісник ЛДУБЖД, №19, 2019projects. For the decision of the outlined problem a conceptually new schema of intercommunications in the projects of rescue units creation was offered:– core of project, which consists of transborder projects of technogenic safety on the transborder territories, devel-opment of scientific innovations in the civil defence, cooperation of rescue units and government bodies. In general the internal environment of the project of creation of rescue unit will include such constituents as:– financing mechanism of the project (the main point here is the project budget, costs for the control and preven-tion of emergencies in the transborder areas, management of rescue units, which is characterized by a team of trained, skilled workers); social status (defined by providing standard living conditions for all participants involved in the pro-ject, including social security, wage provision, and rest conditions); authorities of neighboring states (providing various support to all project participants on the part of the leadership of both states); information system and control system (compliance with control and fulfillment of all tasks assigned to the project).It is established that the project of creation of transborder rescue units contains components that can be imple-mented as separate sub-projects. Preferably there can be four such sub-projects:- the project of attracting additional internal forces and means;- the project of attracting additional internal forces and facilities at the border of the neighboring state;- the project of attracting additional internal forces and means of the neighboring state;- the project of attracting additional internal forces and means of several states.Conclusions. According to the results of the work, the following conclusions can be drawn:1. The analysis of the structure works projects establishment and operation of cross-border operational and rescue units made it possible to highlight the defining components that affect the efficiency of relevant projects and reduce time to implement them (duration emergency situations).2. It is established that the efficiency of cross-border projects of the rescue units creation is derived from the ap-proval process of interaction and professionalism of both countries, as well as project design and their turbulent project environment.3. The results of the studies are the basis of development and improvement of models and methods of project man-agement dealing with creation and functioning of transborder rescue units, which should be based on modeling their ac-tions and predicting turbulent project environment.


  • Effective activity on transborder territories of the nearby states envisages the observance of the pro per strength security both on border crossings and in building and premises located on the both sides of the border

  • Специфіка предметної галузі вказує на те, що головним результатом проектів функціонування транскордонний оперативно-рятувальний підрозділ (ТОРП) є тривалість t їх реалізації, мінімальне значення якої tmin визначається із врахуванням показників ефективності дій Еmax, та стану об’єктів конфігурації ОРП1 і ТОРП: tmin=f(Еmax, Co, Ст), (2)

  • 3. The results of the studies are the basis of development and improvement of models and methods of project management dealing with creation and functioning of transborder rescue units, which should be based on modeling their actions and predicting turbulent project environment

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Bulletin of Lviv State University of Life Safety

При цьому виникає низка управлінських задач на кожному із етапів життєвого циклу міждержавних проектів створення і функціонування транскордонних оперативно-рятувальних підрозділів ліквідації надзвичайних ситуацій. 3. Отримані результати проведених досліджень лежать в основі розроблення та удосконалення моделей і методів управління проектами створення і функціонування транскордонних оперативно -рятувальних підрозділів, які повинні базуватися на моделюванні дій у них та прогнозуванні турбулентного проектного середовища. Проблема розроблення наукових засад щодо ініціації та реалізації міждержавних проектів створення і функціонування транскордонних оперативнорятувальних підрозділів ліквідації надзвичайних ситуацій залишається відкритою науковою нішею. Ме та статті полягає у обґрунтуванні особливостей проектно-орієнтованого управління діяльністю транскордонних оперативно-рятуваль-них підрозділів, які лежать в основі розроблення методів та моделей управління часом реалізації відповідних проектів.

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