
In 2017, an intervention was made in the various FAESA Centro Universitário courses, through 40 teachers ready fornewchallenges. The objective was: to apply in practice the three pillars of the FAESA Class (Personalization, Experimen-tation, Technology). They were instigated to remodel the classes of their disciplines, during the period, in search of impro-ving the teaching-learning process. In this report, we highlight the discipline called Distributed Systems that permeatesthecoursesofBachelorinComputerScience,BachelorinInformationSystems,TechnologyinAnalysisandDevelopmentofSystemsandTechnologyinComputerNetworks.Itisanimportanttheoretical-practicaldisciplinefortheformationof these courses, since it deals with a current topic of Information Technology. Applying a diagnosis in the class, it wasobserved the opportunity to apply the active methodology called Project Oriented Learning, which aims to learn about theperspective of projects, being based on some guidelines that allow the student to be the center of their learning, in a waythat builds their knowledge seeking solutions to theproblems that occur in the course, until the conclusion of the project.Thesuccessofthisworkisobservedintheapprovalratingoftheclassthatwasabove70%.

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