
Project URL originated while identifying electronic resources that promote access to information about integrated online library systems (IOLS). Over 40 students, enrolled in a Web‐based asynchronous distance learning graduate level course “Library information systems”, searched the Web for resources that contribute to IOLS. Several hundred sites were initially identified, together with the difficulties associated with such a large set of unorganised pointers to Web‐based resources. A project team was assembled to organise unique URLs as identified by fellow students, adding value and commentary to those sites that met certain criteria of excellence. The product is a metasite of URLs that points to information about IOLS vendors, electronic journal titles and specific e‐journal articles addressing IOLS topics of interest, and general information sources that might be accessed by library professionals involved in decision‐making processes for integrated library systems. Recent efforts have been made to add to this base of IOLS resources. Future revisions are also discussed.

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