
The purpose of the article is research the formation of research skills of future primary school teachers in project activities. The article investigates theoretical and practical aspects of the essence of the formation of research skills of future primary school teachers in project activities. The concepts were revealed such as "project method", "project activity", "research skills", "formation of research skills". The peculiarities of teaching were considered in the integrated course "I explore the world" in elementary school. The influence of project activity was substantiated during the study of academic disciplines "Moder lesson of integrated learning", "Project and research work on natural science in primary school" on the formation of research skills of future primary school teachers. Special attention is given to the fact that project activities as a means of forming research skills of future primary school specialists. Different approaches are indicated to the formation of research skills of future primary school teachers in project activities. The study was revealed that research skills are as one of the types of professional skills of a teacher, which are an integrated formation of mental and practical actions that ensure the implementation of multifunctional search activities, self-determination and professional self-development of a person capable of conducting various studies. The project activity allows attracting students to creative intellectual search, to develop new approaches to the modern concept of education, which based on universal values. Implementation of projects are possible related to life situations, is the best means of independent activity of future primary school teachers, which stimulates cognitive, emotional development, interest, enables individualization and differentiation of learning, develops creative thinking, strengthens students' cognitive motivation, integrates previously acquired knowledge, forms research skills.

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