
The article is dedicated to the problem of modeling research skills of the Primary School teachers. There are thoroughly presented the scientists’ approaches to the determination of the term “model”. There are thoroughly analyzed models of professional training and formation of the future specialists. Within the article it stressed that the model of formation of research skills of the future teachers of Primary School provided the implementation of certain conditions. As the first condition it is presented the direction of the professional training on the combination of the student’s scientific and educational work. As the next condition it is presented the implementation of special lessons on organization of the project activity. As the third condition and as the most important way of research skills’ formation it is presented the implementation of specially modeled research-educational tasks during the process of professional training of the future Primary School teachers. The article mentions that the development of the research-educational tasks must take into account the specific of scientific methods and ways of research. Also it is necessary to consider: the control evaluation tools and measures; the determination of the range of problematic situations, the level of independence, the level of activity and appropriateness of the research actions. It is given the author’s definition of the educational-research task as the problematic task which provides the studying of certain phenomena and facts, actualization of knowledge on these facts for the further development and systematization of this new subjective information about the reality. The author reveals peculiarities of types of educational-research tasks: tasks which are devoted to the research of the essence of the pedagogical research; tasks which are devoted to the mastering content and sequence of conducting pedagogical research; tasks which are oriented on the development of skills to realize the self-analysis of the conducted pedagogical research. It is determined, that educational-research tasks ‘solving has to be implemented in the content of all methodical educational components of the educational program 013 Primary School (at first level of higher education). As the result of our research, we can state the conclusion that consideration of organizational-pedagogical conditions of formation research skills of the future teachers of Primary School will permit to increase the effectiveness soft his process during the realization of the experimental model of training students (applicants for mastering higher education). Keywords: model, modeling, formation of research skills, professional training of the future primary School teachers, educational-research tasks.

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