
In this article, we consider the problem of euthanasia as a form of realization of the human right to die. The historical aspects of euthanasia are discussed along with its legal aspects. Thus, modern Russian legislation bans implementation of euthanasia by medical workers under the threat of criminal punishment. An analysis of government policies on human euthanasia was conducted, including in countries where this procedure is legalized. The results show that euthanasia is applied within strict limits, in accordance with the established order. Euthanasia was found to have no effect on mortality and suicide tendencies. In addition, the authors propose an approach to the multi-stage practical implementation of euthanasia, which is carried out by independent and disinterested specialists. At each stage, a large number of interrelated procedures is performed, each of which confirms the validity of the previous step. The patient must make a voluntary euthanasia decision based on comprehensive information about his or her health. In turn, the government should provide an alternative to euthanasia in the form of palliative care. In conclusion, the need to enshrine the principles, conditions, and mechanisms of euthanasia in Russian legislation is substantiated, which would ensure the human right to die with dignity.

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