
In 2022, an estimated 5 million persons in the World Health Organization Region of the Americas (AMR) were living with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, the leading cause of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis worldwide. Most chronic infections are acquired through mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) or horizontal transmission during childhood and are preventable with hepatitis B vaccination, including a birth dose (HepB-BD), followed by 2-3 additional doses (HepB3) in infancy. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Elimination of MTCT of HBV infection strategy is intended to reduce chronic HBV infection (measured by hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] seroprevalence) to ≤0.1% among children by achieving 1) ≥95% coverage with HepB-BD and HepB3; and 2) ≥80% of pregnant women received testing for HBsAg, and provision of hepatitis B immunoglobulin to HBV-exposed neonates. By 2012, all 51 AMR countries and territories (countries) provided HepB3 nationwide, and by 2021, 34 (67%) provided HepB-BD nationwide. Mathematical models estimate that HBsAg seroprevalence in children is ≤0.1% in 14 (28%) of 51 countries and at the regional level. Three (6%) of 51 countries met the 95% coverage targets for both HepB3 and HepB-BD during both 2021 and 2022. Of these, two have likely met criteria for the elimination of MTCT of HBV infection. However, in 2022, HepB3 coverage had declined by ≥10 percentage points in 15 (37%) of 41 countries with 2012 coverage data for comparison. These declines in HepB3 coverage, as well as the absence of HepB-BD in the routine immunization schedules in 17 countries, threaten PAHO's progress toward the elimination of MTCT of HBV infection. Efforts to introduce HepB-BD and maintain high HepB3 and HepB-BD coverage are needed.

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