The major results and accomplishments of the MIT tokamak programme are surveyed. These are considered to be 1) discovery of an Ohmic-heating confinement law in which τE ∝ n̄;aR2; 2) reduction of anomalous ion conduction to the neoclassical value by use of pellet fuelling; 3) formulation of an empirical model for confinement of impurities in ohmically heated tokamaks; 4) seminal experiments on current drive by lower hybrid waves and production of quasi-stationary driven current discharges with n ≈1020 m–3; and 5) heating of electrons by Landau damping of lower hybrid waves with ΔTe≈1 keV. The advance of n0τE is also traced from values of about 10l8 s·m−3 which were typical of tokamaks at the beginning of the Alcator programme to values achieved on Alcator C in excess of 6 X 1019 s·m−3, which is required for thermalized energy breakeven at higher temperature.
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