
This is the third volume (the first two volumes are Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions, M. Bonitz (ed.) and Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions II, M. Bonitz and D. Semkat (eds.), which were published by World Scientific (Singapore), in 2000 and 2003, respectively, (ISBN 981-02-4218-2 and ISBN 981-238-271-2).) of articles on the theory of Nonequilibrium Green's functions (NGF) and their modern applications in various fields. The refereed papers in this volume are based on talks and posters presented at the interdisciplinary conference Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions III which was held in August 2005 at Kiel University, Germany. The conference was attended by about 70 scientists working in a variety of fields of theoretical physics, including plasma physics, solid state theory, semiconductor optics and transport, nanostructures, nuclear matter and high energy physics. Compared to the previous conferences, new topics were covered, such as transport theory for molecular systems, combinations of NGF with(time-dependent) density functional theory or dynamical mean field theory. This reflects modern developments in many-body theory. As with the two previous volumes, this one, hopefully, will be a valuable and stimulating reference for students and researchers from various fields.In contrast to the previous volumes, this one appears as a volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series. This option was chosen as Journal of Physics: Conference Series offers free access to the online version which also contains color figures. This, hopefully, will increase the distribution of the articles to the scientific community.This conference would not have been possible without the generous financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and without help from many people. We are particularly grateful to Andrea Fromm, Fanny Geisler and Doris Schulz from the local organizating committee in Kiel and Wolf Dietrich Kraeft (Rostock) for assistence in the final editing of the papers.

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