
The results of a comparative analysis of physical education curricula for general educational institutions in countries of America, Europe and East Asia are offered. The examples of conceptual differences in the curricula of different countries on a civilizational basis are shown. Main curricula component features in different countries and its tendentiousness are defined. The goals and objectives of physical education for young students are formed, either at the state or regional levels, with different strategies from “satisfaction-effect” to “sportsmanship”. There is a tendency towards a reorientation of the educational process from achieving age-old standards of callisthenics to the result of personal and social development. The variety of facilities that were offered to pupils in secondary schools in different countries has been identified: classical and non-traditional; recreational, developmental, entertaining, cultural-educational and military-applied. The influence of historical, traditional, national and geographical factors on the didactic content of the curricula is shown.The meaningful component of physical education curricula of all countries is theoretical material and swimming. Diversity in the organizational support of the curricula was defined by comparing: the mandatory of the subject “Physical Education”, the weekly number of physical exercises, the role of the physical education teacher in determining the didactic content of the curricula, the forms of physical education for pupils in different countries. It is recognized that sports competitions in many countries are the main part of training programs. The peculiarities of evaluating the performance of students in the physical education process in different countries and the tendency of transformation varieties and criteria assessment are clarified. By examples of selected countries organizational and methodological peculiarities of physical education exams for students are shown, which proves the prestige of the subject and the healthy way of life of their citizens.


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