
Aims: To evaluate the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) profile of chronic renal patients on conservative treatment during five years. Methods: A retrospective cohort study developed in a nephrology outpatient clinic in a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. All adults and elderly people with non-dialytic chronic kidney disease (CKD) with a follow-up of six months to five years (n=64) were included, having attended at least two consultations, with determination of eGFR by the CKD-EPI equation and serum creatinine. For data collection, the medical records were used, with eGFR as the outcome variable. Clinical and sociodemographic data were considered exposure variables. To analyze the associations, multiple linear regression was used. Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare eGFR values over the years of study. Results: 64 patients were followed up, with a median time to admission to renal replacement therapy of 5 years and 25 days, and the 75th percentile of eight years and three months. In multiple models, there were no significant associations between exposure variables and eGFR. No pattern of eGFR profile was observed for all stages of CKD. A loss of ascending renal function over five years was found. Conclusions: At the end of follow-up, no patient remained in stages 1, 2, and 3 of CKD. Non-dialytic CKD stage 5 maintained a stable line over five years and stage 4 showed an ascending curve in the fifth year, indicating an increase in the number of patients in this stage due to worsening renal function.

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