
Culling cows is a management practice that should be routinely employed to remove cows that fail to wean a calf on an annual basis or develop physical issues that inhibit performance, and to meet the resource availability of the beef cattle enterprise. Culling cows from the cow herd creates vacancies to be filled to ensure the long-term herd size and revenue potential of the operation. This study was conducted to determine the performance of female Bali cattle rejected at the UPT. Bali Cattle Center Sobangan Mengwi-Badung, Bali. The samples observed were 170 Bali beef cow calves that would be culled. The parameters observed were age, body weight, shoulder height, body length, and chest circumference. Apart from that, observations of abnormalities or body defects that can be observed from the outside were carried out, as well as additional information from recordings held by the UPT. The results of this research showed that the profile of the cows rejected at the Bali Sobangan Mengwi Bali Cattle Center was an average age of 13.25 ± 1.4 years, body weight 292.69 ± 48.3 kg, chest circumference 167.41 ± 12.0 cm, body length 125.77 ± 5.3 cm, and body height 115.75 ± 6.2 cm. This research concluded that even though the female cows that were rejected are old (13.25 ± 1.4 years old), the condition of these cows still has the potential to be sold as beef cattle.

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