
Critical thinking skills are the ability to think individuals in managing information, finding solution, and evaluating the problems obtained based on six criteria, namely (1) Focus, (2) Reason, (3) Inference, (4) Situation, (5) Clarity and (6) Overview. HOTS questions are a type of question that can help hone students' critical thinking skills. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach that aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in solving HOTS questions in terms of gender. The instrument used in this study was a math ability test and HOTS questions. The subjects used in this study consisted of two junior high school students, one male student and one female student with high math ability. The results of the research on male students' critical thinking skills in solving HOTS questions show that male students are able to understand and find the essence of the problem, can provide reasons that support the way male students use, and can draw conclusions using the method that male students have used, so that male students meet the indicators of critical thinking Focus, Reason, and Inference. The ability to think critically of female students shows that female students can understand and find the essence of the problem, can provide reasons that support the way female students use it, can draw conclusions using the method that female students have determined, female students can reveal important factors that support the method used , and can describe the term at every step of the completion, so that female students meet the indicators of critical thinking Focus, Reason, Inference, Situation, and Clarity.
 Keywords: Critical Thinking, Higher Order Thinking Skill


  • higher order thinking skills (HOTS) math problems show that students are able to understand and find the core of the problem, can provide reasons that support the way students use, and can draw conclusions using the method students have specified

  • Critical thinking skills are are individual thought processes systematically, logically, and objectively in managing information, finding solutions, and evaluating the problems obtained based on six criteria, as follows (1) Focus, (2) Reason, (3) Inference, (4) Situation, (5) Clarity and (6) Overview

  • This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach that aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in solving HOTS math problems in terms of gender

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Pradnyo Wijayanti

Kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan proses berpikir individu secara sistematis, logis, dan objektif dalam mengelola informasi, menemukan solusi, serta mengevaluasi suatu permasalahan yang diperoleh berdasarkan enam kriteria, berikut (1)Focus (Fokus), (2)Reason (Alasan), (3)Inference (Menyimpulkan), (4)Situation (Situasi), (5)Clarity (Kejelasan) dan (6)Overview (Tinjauan Kembali). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika HOTS ditinjau dari jenis kelamin. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan matematika dan soal matematika HOTS. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siswa SMP, satu siswa laki-laki dan satu siswa perempuan dengan kemampuan matematika yang tinggi. Hasil penelitian kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika HOTS menunjukan bahwa siswa mampu memahami dan menemukan inti permasalahan, dapat memberikan alasan yang mendukung cara yang siswa gunakan, serta dapat menarik kesimpulan dengan menggunakan cara yang telah siswa tentukan.

PENDAHULUAN dalam membantu memahami suatu permasalahan yakni
Memahami dan menuliskan inti permasalahan yang dimaksud pada soal yang diberikan
Berikut cuplikan salah satu soal matematika
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