
Background: Stroke is a disease that affects straightly to the brain. Stroke occured due to obstruction of blood vessel that contain blood-transporting nutrients to the brain, which lead to impairment in brain function, as well as cognitive function. Because of unavailibility of data in Sanglah General Hospital, this research must be done. This study aims to determine the cognitive function profile of post ischemic stroke patient in Sanglah General Hospital based on 5 cognitive domains.Methods: This study is an observational study, collecting data by cross sectional. Data sources were obtained from primary data in the form of interview and MoCA-Ina Test with data retrieval methods using totally sampling technique. The accessible population was patients post ichemic stroke in Sanglah General Hospital that is in a good awareness and fit for MoCA-Ina test.Results: From 26 patients that are accessible, 21 patients were diagnosed with cognitive impairment, which the majority in 41-50 range of age with 9 patients, male with 14 patients, last education of Junior High School with 7 patients, and memory being a domain which is most impaired with mean of 55,38% score.Conclusion: The most affected domain is after an ischemic stroke is memory and visuospacial function


  • Stroke is a disease that affects straightly to the brain

  • This study aims to determine the cognitive function profile of post ischemic stroke patient in Sanglah General Hospital based on 5 cognitive domains

  • Penelitian ini tidak mendapatkan pendanaan dari pemerintah ataupun sector swasta lainnya

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Jumlah sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 39 pasien pasca stroke iskemik yang dipilih dengan teknik total sampling. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi serta tidak memenuhi kriteria ekslusi diperoleh sejumlah 26 pasien selama periode November 2018 – Januari 2019. Karakteristik usia menunjukkan lebih banyak sampel dengan usia 41-50 tahun (38,5%), jenis kelamin laki-laki (69,2%), tingkat pendidikan sekolah menengah atas (30,8%), dan dengan fungsi kognitif yang terganggu (80,8%). Tabel 2, persentase terbesar pasien pasca stroke iskemik yang mengalami gangguan fungsi kognitif di RSUP Sanglah berada pada rentang usia 41-50 tahun dengan jumlah sebesar 34.6% serta diikuti oleh rentang usia 41-50 tahun, 31-40 tahun, dan 21-30 tahun berurutan dengan jumlah 27%, 11.5%, dan 7.7%. Kemudian dari segi jenis kelamin laki-laki cenderung lebih banyak mengalami gangguan kognitif dibandingkan dengan perempuan (53,8%)

Domain gangguan Bahasa Atensi Memori Visuospasial Fungsi Eksekutif
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