
Abstract The article covers current problems of professional training of junior medical staff. The main disadvantages of Ukrainian system of medical education that impede the intention of improving quality of professional training of junior medical staff have been analyzed. European experience in organizing medical education, namely, in Great Britain, Georgia, Italy, Poland and France has been studied. It has been determined that foreign experience in training medical junior staff differs from that in Ukraine. Comparative characterization of European and Ukrainian experience in training future nurses and midwives has been presented. The advantages of European professional training of future medical junior staff have been highlighted. It has been found out that in Europe more attention is paid to clinical disciplines than in Ukraine due to an increase in the number of academic hours allocated for practical training at clinical sites. The author emphasizes importance of independence in the process of training future junior medical staff in European educational space. The need for introducing into the education process of professional medical training in Ukraine communicative disciplines, including Pedagogy, which have long been used in medical education in Europe, has been specified. The author has considered the main features of apprenticeship being a new form of training in Ukrainian medical education that combines theoretical training and paid hospital placement. It has been concluded about European innovative trends in Ukrainian medical industry and gradual introduction of continuing consecutive education. It has been stressed that it is rather relevant to incorporate positive aspects of foreign experience in organizing medical education into modern reforms as well as new curricula in Ukraine.

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