
The article considers the role of Katerinoslav provincial and county zemstvos in the development ofmedical education of the province in the early twentieth century. It is emphasized that in the conditions ofreforming local self-government, the analysis of the experience of the zemstvos activity, in particular theactivities of the Katerynoslav provincial zemstvo in the training of medical staff, the improvement of themedical service of the population of the Katerynoslav province is of great importance. Thus, the role of theprovincial zemstvo in the organization of the activities of the provincial zemstvo felcher school, its financialsupport and the role of the provincial congresses of the zemstvo doctors and representatives of the zemstvoinstitutions in the improvement of medical education in the country are highlighted. The contribution of theprovincial zemstvo Medical School to the training of medical staff of secondary qualification in the regionis considered. The new Charter of the school, approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on October 10,1907, is analyzed, in particular, the purpose of the school establishment, its management system is described,the content of the school curricula according to the "Normal Statute of Zemstvo Feldsher School" 1897 isconsidered, changes in the requirements for educational qualification of graduates are revealed. Particularattention is paid to the analysis of the dynamics of training of felchers in school at the beginning of thetwentieth century, the activity of the zemstvo on organization of training for women as medical workersis shown. Significant attention is paid to the role of the provincial zemstvo in the creation of the systemof training of lower medical staff - schools of nursing and servants at the provincial zemstvo hospitalsand similar special schools at county zemstvo hospitals, as well as the system of advanced training offeldshers of the province in the form of so-called "repetition courses." The contribution to the developmentof medical education in Katerynoslav region of private medical schools is also described.


  • The article considers the role of Katerinoslav provincial and county zemstvos in the development of medical education of the province in the early twentieth century

  • It is emphasized that in the conditions of reforming local self-government, the analysis of the experience of the zemstvos activity, in particular the activities of the Katerynoslav provincial zemstvo in the training of medical staff, the improvement of the medical service of the population of the Katerynoslav province is of great importance

  • Significant attention is paid to the role of the provincial zemstvo in the creation of the system of training of lower medical staff - schools of nursing and servants at the provincial zemstvo hospitals

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The article considers the role of Katerinoslav provincial and county zemstvos in the development of medical education of the province in the early twentieth century. Було розглянуто питання про збільшення шкіл» і нові програми викладання, видані стипендії з 200 до 250 крб і на 25 % розміру Міністерством внутрішніх справ у 1897 р. Статут визначав метою школи підготовку обізнаних фельдшерів для служби переважно у Катеринославській губернії.

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