
This article substantiates the importance of professional socialization of students of a technical university. It is the student age, due to its age-related mental and personal characteristics, that all types of socialization occur intensively. Consequently, students are considered as the most favorable period for professional socialization. In addition, the article analyzes the scientific sources of literature in terms of the definition of the concept of "professional socialization". A huge role in the training of qualified personnel is played by higher education, which lays the basic foundation for the personal and professional development of the younger generation, in whose hands is the future of society and the country as a whole. It should be noted that thanks to the study of humanities at a technical university, it is possible to implement such methods of working with students that will ensure successful professional socialization of junior students at the training stage, form personal qualities and increase the level of professional training. Using the example of specific humanities disciplines, such as "Communication in professional activity", "Business communication" and "Psychology of professional activity", the article presents work with junior students, which forms the social formation of a student's personality and is part of the process of professional socialization.

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